Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Cage Setups.

Mango with her new egg-laying friendly condo. The vet said we should make sure that she can lay eggs if she needs to. They are unfertilized as far as I know. Wet sand is in 1 corner of the aquarium (as recommended by a breeder at the reptile and amphibian expo in round rock on Saturday. The other side is dry. She is super active in the new cage and chasing her crix without dragging her belly. She is still not so fond of greens. I don't feed her worms as they are fattening. Mango loves to swim outside and fall asleep on you in the evenings.

Mango upper left. Izzy on the right. Izzy was coccidia positive and completed her new antibiotics but still won't eat crix but will take Superworms and veggies. She is much more active though now so I hope to see her chasing crix in no time.
Pickles is on the floor. I lined the outside of her cage so she could stop attacking her reflection. She likes her veggies and gets dusted crix 1-2x per day.

New dragon, Bandit, 5 mos old just like Pickles. He couldn't room in with Pickles because he was too aggressive. He head bobs and arm waves and his beard is often black. We will hold him a lot to get him socialized as he is still head bobbing when we hold him. He may be irritable because he is shedding right now. He likes crix 1-2x per day and eats his salad veggies well.

Taz is enjoying Mango's old condo. Taz is a very active and sometimes aggressive lizard and is really loving this cage and hascalmed down quite a bit. I think this one is a female! She likes her sandbox to sleep in. She is on antibiotics for a bacterial infection and then will be on another antibiotic as she was coccidia positive too. Taz has the biggest appetite out of all the lizards we own. He eats the most veggies too. He loves superworms and his dusted crix. I gave him twice the amount of veggies today than usual and he gulped them all down.

This is Pug, he is about 1 month old and pretty tiny still. He is eating very small crix and likes chopped up greens. He is a nervous little thing and only tolerates being held for brief periods. He is cute and has great colors. I gave him a quick soak tonight and he drank water. Very sweet.